Crowninshield Warf 1806
Bertha Goodwin

Dedicated to the Genealogy
of New England Goodwins,
Intersecting Genealogies
and Family Trees
Dedicated to the Genealogy
of New England Goodwins,
Intersecting Genealogies
and Family Trees
Long Term Projects
"The Descendants of Daniel Goodwin of Eliot Maine", by John Eldridge Frost (1917 - 1992), Second Edition,
and "Daniel Goodwin of Ancient Kittery and His Descendants",
by John Hayes Goodwin are both offered as CD and printed and/or bound hard-copy at the
Goodwin Family History web site,
(additions and corrections by Dr. Malcolm Goodwin and Will Collier). Details available on the Goodwin Family
History web site.You can view the .."Descendants of Daniel Goodwin.." Names Index (1st revision) here.
Books are available as free download PDF files. See "Photos and Documents" for our PDF Books page.
Preliminary copy - DONE!! Go to Photos and Documents - PDF Books page..
It's a BIG file (4.9 MB), with around 5,000 people indexed. There will be some final clean-up over
the next couple of months before a CD offering.
New Projects
Any person that is a direct descendant of Jeremiah Goodwin of Milton, NH,
should have no problem with an SAR or DAR application. About Us.....
Limited Genealogies reprinted from The Goodwin News are available.
Check under Getting Started.
The New England Goodwin Project is dedicated to helping amateur and Professional Genealogists. For several years, we have been sharing research results on several different forums - now it is time to promote and share a centralized data collection. We continue our information and database sharing transcribed from original sources and sharing our favorite research tools and resource sites.
Many New England Goodwins share a common ancestor. Daniel Goodwin immigrated from England about 1630, and began a journey that spread seeds throughout the United States and beyond.
How did he get here? Exacly where did he come from? Did he arrive alone?
This is where the real fun starts!
The story of Daniel's descendants may never be fully known, but as research moves froward more and more Family Trees will become available.
Goodwin Project Inquiries & Comments:
Goodwin1630 at gmail dot com

Always Changing! Thanks for your patience!
Copyright © 2020 The New England Goodwin & WCollierLLC
All rights reserved. Updated: 24 DEC 2020
Write to us at:
The New England Goodwin Project
c/o W. Collier, 14 Southwick Ave., Peabody MA 09160